「爵士浮生」(Herbie Hancock: Possibilities),是爵士大師Herbie Hancock跨界與各類型藝人做音樂合作的紀錄電影,改天我會再寫篇感想,不過今天先讓我提一首歌"Hush, Hush, Hush"。

在紀錄片中,Herbie找女歌手Annie Lennox合作,但不知道給她唱哪首歌,於是Herbie詢問另一位女歌手Paula Cole,看看她有沒有建議,Paula認為她寫的"Hush, Hush, Hush"最適合。於是Annie Lennox試唱了幾次,但大夥兒都對歌詞意義感到困惑,非常想知道作者Paula Cole 想表達的是什麼,因為每個人都有不同的詮釋,還有人認為是描述一名知道爸爸當初想要兒子的女孩。後來Herbie終於打電話給Paula,謎底揭曉,她是寫給一位愛滋病末期的朋友,當初的出發點,是想要寫歌給這朋友,但又不想流於濫情或虛偽,於是她想用某種很舒適的方式表達。原本我只是覺得這首歌旋律很美、很感動,聽完Paula的詮釋後,突然間歌詞變得教人聽了好痛:Cruel joke you waited so long to show / The one that you wanted wasn't a girl / All your life you kept it hidden inside / Now when you step / You stumble / You die



於是,病床前,爸爸對著出櫃的兒子說,"Hush, hush, hush…",那些都不重要了…
Hush hush hush / Says your daddy's touch / Sleep sleep sleep / Says the hundredth sheep / Peace peace peace / May you go in peace


Youtube上由Annie Lennox翻唱的檔案被拿掉了,所以在此附上原作者Paula Cole的現場演唱版本。

Hush, Hush, Hush by Paula Cole

Long white arms
Losing their strength and form
Sixty year man on twenty year old skin
Skeleton, your eyes have lost their warmth
Look to your father for some support


Hush hush hush

Says your daddy's touch
Sleep sleep sleep
Says the hundredth sheep
Peace peace peace
May you go in peace

Cruel joke you waited so long to show
The one that you wanted wasn't a girl
All your life you kept it hidden inside
Now when you step
You stumble
You die


Oh maybe next time
You'll be Henry the 8th
Wake up tomorrow, alexander the great
Open your eyes in a new life again
Oh maybe next time
You'll be given a chance

Hush hush hush


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