
「珍奧斯汀的戀愛教室」的劇本不算太出色,但是演員們很棒,尤其是Emily Blunt與Maria Bello。自從看了「穿著PRADA的惡魔」,就很欣賞英國女星Emily Blunt,就是那位飾演梅莉史翠普第一助手的亮眼女生;而看了「暴力效應」之後,就很喜歡Maria Bello。而在「珍奧斯汀的戀愛教室」中,這兩位都很棒。另外本片也有帥氣小生Hugh Dancy,我從英國電視影集「丹尼爾的半生緣」(Daniel Deronda)開始認識他,他也是「購物狂的異想世界」裡的男主角。至於劇情本身,有些部分頗無聊,但也有感人的段落,例如法文老師Prudie的故事就頗讓我感動。本片最近要在HBO播出,我把時間附於文末。


Bernadette﹝Kathy Baker﹞:有過六段婚姻、總是盡情享受人生的她,是首先提議「珍奧斯汀讀書會」的人。

Jocelyn﹝Maria Bello﹞:愛狗的率直女生,她認為自己一人也很好。聽到好友Sylvia的老公外遇要離開她,雞婆的Jocelyn急著把新認識的男生Grigg跟Sylvia送作堆,卻不知道Grigg對自己有好感。

Sylvia﹝Amy Brenneman﹞:原本以為自己很幸福,沒想到有天老公﹝Jimmy Smits﹞說他愛上了別人,想要離婚。那女人年紀比Sylvia還大,而且Sylvia的老公是在餐廳跟她分手的,甚至還說「我們結了很久的婚,現在見好就收頗為合理(there's a logic to us quitting while we're ahead)」,毫無準備的她很受傷。

Allegra﹝Maggie Grace﹞:Sylvia的女兒,是同性戀,她對這讀書會沒有太大興致,只是想給與母親感情上的支持。

Prudie﹝Emily Blunt﹞:是個沒去過法國的法文老師,很愛看書,有個煩人的懶惰嘻皮母親﹝Lynn Redgrave﹞,她的老公Dean﹝Marc Blucas﹞沒有熱情也不浪漫,老愛看運動比賽,甚至取消與老婆的歐洲行而陪客戶去美國看NBA,Dean與Prudie很不同、也不了解Prudie,Prudie迷戀文學與珍奧斯汀,但Dean只知道「奧斯汀」是德州的一個城市,對文藝毫無興趣,因此學校一位年輕熱情男同學﹝Kevin Zegers﹞對Prudie的調情很讓她心動。

Grigg﹝Hugh Dancy﹞:在矽谷工作的科技新貴,對科幻小說很著迷,喜歡Jocelyn卻碰軟釘子。





另外,在讀書會加入一個男性角色是很好的安排,如此就不會讓整部電影只有純粹女性觀點。又因為這位男性角色是個科幻小說迷,所以可以由他口中讓觀眾了解,有許多優秀的科幻小說家都是女性,甚至是用男性的假名發表作品。他同意Jocelyn參加珍奧斯汀讀書會的條件,是Jocelyn也得看Ursula Le Guin的科幻作品,起先Jocelyn嗤之以鼻,但後來卻也拋開偏見,發現科幻小說的迷人之處,這算是「傲慢與偏見」的現代版吧。

但是我覺得,本片硬要將主角的個性或遭遇,與珍奧斯汀的小說連結,感覺頗為牽強,並沒有帶來什麼新看法或視野,到最後珍奧斯汀的小說內容只是裝飾,不是主題。當然,這也有個好處,就是如果你沒看過那六本小說,也不會影響你看這部電影。另外,若要猜猜看六位主角分別對照了珍奧斯汀小說的哪個女主角,我想:Jocelyn是「艾瑪」的Emma,Prudie是t「曼斯菲爾德莊園」的Fanny Price,Allegra是「理性與感性」的Elinor Dashwood,Sylvia是「勸導」裡的Anne Ellio,Grigg是「艾瑪」的Mr. Knightley,但我不知Bernadette能與誰連結。

本片導演Robin Swicord之前主要是擔任編劇,編過「小婦人」(Little Women)、「藝妓回憶錄」(Memoirs of a Geisha)等等,她也負責本片的編劇。至於「珍奧斯汀的戀愛教室」的原著是由Karen Joy Fowler所寫,是2004年的暢銷書,我還沒看過就是了。


Prudie Drummond: He looks at me like he's the spoon, and I'm this dish of ice cream.


Daniel Avila: I was just thinking about something Allegra said at Jocelyn's the other day...so we're talking about how we all need to have connection, you know, conversation, sex, companionship, and Allegra says, "Well, you get all that from Mommy." I have to tell you, it really made me sad.
Sylvia Avila: Aw, baby, she'll find somebody.
Daniel Avila: No, it made me sad for us, because I've been struggling with whether a marriage can sustain all of that over, uh, over 20+ years or if it's just inevitable that after a certain amount of time-- maybe being with somebody else can have a renewing effect, because for me-- I've been seeing a woman at work. We've been together 6 months now . . . We, we can't think of this as a failure. We have had a very successful marriage. We've had a long marriage, by any standard. We got 3 wonderful kids. They're grown, they're working, they're--
Sylvia Avila: Just open the damn door, Daniel, I need a tissue.
Daniel Avila: The kids, that's, that's all you, you know, you made all the sacrifices, I know. But there's a logic to us quitting while we're ahead, and I think they'll be able to see that, you know?
Sylvia Avila: I don't understand a single word of what you're saying, Daniel.


Prudie Drummond: [showing Dean a copy of Persuasion] Will you do me a favor? Will you read this?
Dean Drummond: Isn't that what you're special little book club's for?
Prudie Drummond: I really want you to read it. Please Dean.
Dean Drummond: Prudie, I feel like you want me to be something I'm not. I just walk around being me. I don't pretend to be anything else. You just set me up for a test, you don't want me to pass.
Prudie Drummond: No, no. This isn't a test. This is something to share.
Dean Drummond: Why don't you just tell me what it's about?
Prudie Drummond: It's about these two people who used to love each other. And they don't any more. And it's about how they persuade themselves to give it another try... Look I can get you started off. Okay?
Dean Drummond: Prudie... Come on, you're not really going to read this all aloud... Alright, one page…




10-18 (日) 22:40~00:15
10-19 (一) 11:20~13:00
10-20 (二) 15:15~17:00
10-23 (五) 03:35~05:15

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