
「熊麻吉」是一部低俗好笑的R級喜劇,導演兼編劇Seth MacFarlane是頗長壽的卡通影集「住家男人」(Family Guy)的creator。我個人很喜歡「住家男人」,對於「熊麻吉」的看法是覺得還不錯,裡面有不少笑點都讓我開懷大笑,光是開頭旁白那句「No matter how big a splash you make in this world whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber or a talking teddy bear, eventually, nobody gives a shit. 」就令我笑翻了,但整體來講我是有些失望的,這個到後面再詳細解釋吧。對於想看喜劇放鬆的人,本片還不錯,但在R級喜劇裡面,「熊麻吉」不在我的最佳片單裡。


John﹝馬克華柏格﹞年幼時常被欺負,孤單的他在某年耶誕許願,希望他的玩具熊可以有生命、並成為他一輩子的好友,沒想到這願望成真!這隻會說話的玩具熊Ted暴紅了一陣之後,一切又回歸平淡,多年以後John已經是三十幾歲的成年人,依然與Ted是好朋友,喜歡每天在一起做些幼稚長不大的事情,令John的女友Lori﹝Mila Kunis﹞很抓狂,在交往四年後下了最後通牒──如果Ted不搬出去,Lori就要離開John。


本片是標準的「男孩變男人」電影,比較成熟的女方,要幼稚不負責任的男方拋棄不夠成熟的朋友,成長為真正的男人,甚至你也可以說「熊麻吉」有點像「麻吉伴郎」(I Love You, Man)的熊熊版,只消把Jason Segel換成一隻有波士頓腔的真人泰迪熊即可。


整體說來笑點不少,有些地方真的非常爆笑,但很可惜的是,雖有不少低俗好笑的點,但也有一些不斷重複的同類梗,讓人有些疲乏,例如John與Ted多麼離不開對方、多麼困擾Lori等衍生的笑點,或是愛對Lori性騷擾的老闆、愛糾纏Ted的怪咖父子等等,到後面我已經覺得膩了,或許Seth MacFarlane寫一集只有二十幾分鐘的電視劇習慣了,寫到電影長度的劇本就露出疲態吧。


另一個失望的點是,「熊麻吉」的內容並沒有他的電視劇如「住家男人」、「美國老爹」(American Dad)等等大膽、廣泛,政治宗教或其他的議題比重很低也比較沒那麼嗆辣,反而比較常走懶惰的便便放屁類或種族刻板印象類的笑料,或許是這樣,讓我這個「住家男人」迷反而覺得「熊麻吉」沒那麼精彩緊湊,或許是出錢的Universal Pictures要求的吧,笑料要稍微保守點,主線劇情也要保守點﹝根本是一個愛與承諾的故事﹞,每當劇情進展到那些愛與承諾與成長,我都感覺得出來身為導演的Seth MacFarlane拍那些東西很沒勁,那部份真的很無聊,要看那些的話我們看其他凱薩琳海格演的片就可以了,看「熊麻吉」不是為了那些呀。


演員方面,我覺得Mila Kunis在這裡好可惜,她應該是個很可以搞笑的女演員,在本片卻只能演正正經經希望男生們成熟點的女生,似乎有點浪費。馬克華柏格很不錯,他在「約會喔麥尬」(Date Night)與「B咖戰警」都證明了即使他是肌肉男出身,他依然是個很棒、很有喜感的喜劇演員,我希望能有機會看他演更多喜劇。影集「廢柴聯盟」(Community)裡的Jeff - Joel McHale也有來參一腳,飾演老愛騷擾Lori的上司,不過這角色很差,沒有讓他發揮的空間。


總之,我不會說本片不好,有很多地方真的很好笑,光是開頭的旁白、Ted應徵工作、John與Ted合唱"thunder buddy"的蠢表情等等,都讓我笑到翻掉,但身為Seth MacFarlane的電視卡通迷,我覺得他能寫的應該不僅於此。而以R級喜劇來說,「熊麻吉」還是排在「醉後大丈夫」(The Hangover)「好孕臨門」(Knocked Up)、甚至今年的「全家就是米家」(We're the Millers)等等後面,不曉得在「熊麻吉」在票房上創造佳績之後,電影公司與編導們會不會大膽一點,讓預定2015年上映的續集有更多發揮空間。另外也得提醒一下,Seth MacFarlane一向以他的"equal-opportunity offensiveness"風格著名,有看過今年他主持奧斯卡的就知道,他無論什麼性別政治種族宗教之類的,任何族群都有可能被他開些惡劣玩笑,如果你是個很容易被冒犯的人,那千萬別看「熊麻吉」,這種片一旦對它認真起來就很痛苦了。



Ted: Thunder buddies for life, right, Johnny?

John: Fucking right.

Ted: Alright, come on, let's sing the thunder song.

John: Alright.

John, Ted: [singing] When you hear the sound of thunder, / Don't you get too scared. / Just grab your thunder buddy / And say these magic words: / "Fuck you, thunder! / You can suck my dick! / You can't get me thunder / 'Cause you're just God's farts!"


John: [calling 911] This guy took my teddy bear!


John: Hello? Hello?


Frank: You think you got what it takes?

Ted: I'll tell you what I got. Your wife's pussy on my breath.

Frank: Nobody's ever spoken to me like that before.

Ted: That's because their mouths were full of your wife's box.

Frank: You're hired.

Ted: Shit.

Narrator: No matter how big a splash you make in this world whether you're Corey Feldman, Frankie Muniz, Justin Bieber or a talking teddy bear, eventually, nobody gives a shit.


Johnny Carson: You know I thought you'd be taller.

Young Ted: I thought *you* were gonna be funnier.


John: We have been dating for four years tomorrow.

Ted: Fuck me! Nice!

John: Let me ask you something. You don't think she's gonna be expecting something big, do you?

Ted: What? Like anal?


Ted: I met a girl; she's a cashier.

John: No way! That's awesome! We should fuckin' double date or something, you, me and Lori and w-what's her name?

Ted: White trash name. Guess.

John: Mandy.

Ted: Nope.

John: Marilyn.

Ted: Nope.

John: Brittany?

Ted: Nope.

John: Tiffany.

Ted: Nope.

John: Candace.

Ted: Nope.

John: Don't fuck with me on this! I know this shit!

Ted: Do you see me fuckin' with you? I'm completely serious.

John: Alright, speed round. I'm gonna rattle off some names, and when I hit it, you fuckin' buzz it, okay? You got me?

Ted: You do it. I will tell you. Yeah.

John: Alright: Brandy, Heather, Channing, Brianna, Amber, Serena, Melody, Dakota, Sierra, Bambi, Crystal, Samantha, Autumn, Ruby, Taylor, Tara, Tammy, Lauren, Charlene, Chantelle, Courtney, Misty, Jenny, Krista, Mindy, Noel, Shelby, Trina, Reba, Cassandra, Nikki, Kelsey, Shawna, Jolene, Urleen, Claudia, Savannah, Casey, Dolly, Kendra, Kylie, Chloe, Devon, Emmalou, fuckin' *Becky*?

Ted: No.

John: Wait; was it any of those names with a "Lynn" after it?

Ted: *Yes*.

John: Oh, I got you, motherfucker! I got you!

[Ted laughs]

John: Okay. Brandi-Lynn, Heather-Lynn...

Ted: Tami-Lynn.

John: [Exasperated] *Fuck*!



(Photo courtesy of Universal Pictures)


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