
美國近年來最紅又最特殊的女性喜劇演員,當屬艾米舒默(Amy Schumer)了。她的搞笑方式不僅幽默,還不斷挑戰既有的價值觀,成為風格獨樹的當紅才女。《四十處男》、 《好孕臨門》 的編導Judd Apatow,在聽舒默上廣播受訪時,興起合作念頭,於是完成了這部由Judd Apatow導演、艾米舒默編劇並主演的《姐姐愛最大》。片中充滿天外飛來一筆的跳躍式幽默,並且翻轉了浪漫喜劇的常規,雖然結尾依舊保守、剪接也不夠精煉,但好笑精采的點實在太多,甚至電影才一開始的父女對話就已經讓我笑到皺紋多了好多條,我非常推薦。如果你閱讀到此還未上鉤,我先截取前述父女對話的一小段來當開胃菜,這段對話的背景是父親要跟母親離婚,試著跟不到十歲的女兒解釋,希望女兒能了解老爸為何離開媽媽、為何他認為一夫一妻制不切實際:


Well. 我都要被老爸說服了。


《姐姐愛最大》主角Amy(艾米舒默)在雜誌社上班,私生活充滿著宿醉與一夜情。她因工作關係認識了運動外科醫生Aaron(Bill Hader),兩人發生一夜情後,Amy原本想繼續「浪女」生活,Aaron卻似乎愛上了她。Amy漸漸發現自己也很受Aaron吸引,卻不知該怎麼維持一段伴侶關係。


《姐姐愛最大》就像是前年的浪漫喜劇惡搞片《不是冤家不聚頭》(They Came Together)想要成為的樣子,後者試圖誇張呈現浪漫喜劇的老套橋段,藉以嘲笑其荒謬離譜,但「笑」果沒有想像中大;《姐姐愛最大》則將傳統規矩翻轉,結果不僅好笑,也讓男女主角彷彿從浪漫電影刻板印象中解放。女生不用乖巧心碎、不用生活習慣比男生好、可以暢所欲言、可以不貼心不溫柔。男生也不用老是當硬漢、不用被人嫌不敏感不貼心、也不用每次都得把女生惹毛又後悔莫及努力追回女生。


Amy與Aaron這對冤家,定不下來的是女生,心思幼稚的是女生,需要成長的是女生,性慾強的是女生。甚至原本R級喜劇裡需要大尺度裸露的通常是女性,在本片則換成男性。Aaron成了傳統浪漫喜劇的美女主角,而美女主角的美女閨密則是小皇帝詹姆斯LeBron James(你沒看錯,正是小皇帝本人,在本片演自己)。



規矩翻轉歸翻轉,一部浪漫喜劇難免得搬出老套,當《姐姐愛最大》 出現避免不了的老梗時,則是邊使用邊嘲笑,像熱戀期的甜蜜時光蒙太奇,就由Amy配上旁白,承認這些行為多噁心肉麻、令人想吐。


《姐姐愛最大》 更勝《不是冤家不聚頭》 式惡搞的,是它不純粹只想靠搞笑撐完一部片。它的內容雖然大膽瘋狂,但對男女主角感情的描繪頗為細心,像一段吵架戲,Amy遇到吵架就以為是要分手了,Aaron則像大多數人那樣,並沒把吵架當作關係的結束,他想解決問題然後繼續走下去。這段戲把Amy的思考盲點呈現得很精準,也突顯這段關係真正的問題,它的真實感令觀眾心痛,也真心希望這兩人能找到解決之道。


更令人驚喜的是,主角兩人以外的小配角,戲份雖少但都很有發揮空間,像我幾乎認不出來的蒂妲絲雲頓(她的英式假掰痞樣實在絕讚)、新任「驚奇隊長」布麗拉森、新任「閃電俠」伊薩米勒、超級話題人物John Cena、馬修柏德利克等等,都令人難忘,最妙的是電影裡有部片中片,由「哈利波特」丹尼爾雷德克里夫與新任「梅嬸」瑪莉莎湯美主演,其黑白色調以及刻意搞怪的主題,大概是在酸某些想要擠進日舞影展又沒有真本事的「藝術片」吧。




《姐姐愛最大》是Judd Apatow首次執導由他人編劇的作品,全片看完後,我認為編劇兼女主角艾米舒默才是靈魂人物,Apatow則還是卡在他最常見的壞習慣裡──他真的需要一個敢剪他東西的剪接師才行。不過,即使整部片不夠精煉、片長過長,但還是相當值得看的,劇本太多笑點(若熟悉美式幽默會更投入)、演員太過厲害,不看可惜。


最後,來一段告解。我承認我有不少思想跟Amy有點像,所以聆聽她的尖酸邪惡想法,令我感到很舒壓。例如她對一群青春的美女啦啦隊員喊了什麼呢?她喊"You're gonna lose us the right to vote!"(諷刺她們無腦)。噢天啊,我忍不住非常政治不正確地愛上Amy。



Amy: I'm sorry, I just... I don't know why we treat these athletes like heroes just because they can skate fast or kick a ball in a net. I just think it's weird. No offense. I just think that sports are stupid, and anyone who likes them is just, like, a lesser person. And has a small intellect.



Amy: What am I doing? I slept at the doctor's place last night.

Nikki: You never spend the night. What were you, blackout drunk?

Amy: No, I had like two drinks... Three, max... Four, now that I'm tallying.

Nikki: Cause you're on antibiotics or something?

Amy: Oh my god, he's calling me.

Nikki: Why would he call? You guys just had sex.

Amy: [answers phone] This is Amy. I think you butt dialed me.

Aaron: No, I dialed you with my fingers.

Amy: [to Nikki] He called me on purpose.

Nikki: Hang up! He's obviously like sick or something.

Aaron: I was calling to say I had a really good time last night and was wondering if you wanted to, um, hang out again.

Nikki: I'm going to call the police.


Amy: I've been with a lot of guys.

Aaron: I don't care!... How many?

Amy: I don't know. How many girls have you slept with?

Aaron: I've slept with three women.

Amy: Me too. I have slept with three women too.

Aaron: How many guys?

Amy: What, like, this year?


Gordon: Girls, your mother and I are getting divorced. Don't cry. I know you're upset, I know you're confused. I don't know what your mother told you, but let me explain it from my side in terms you can understand... You got your doll, right? You got your doll there.

Five Year Old Kim: Yeah.

Gordon: You got your doll and you like your doll, right? You love your doll.

Five Year Old Kim: Yes.

Gordon: Yes, you love the doll. But what if I told you that was the only doll you're allowed to play with the rest of your life. How would you feel?

Five Year Old Kim: Sad.

Gordon: You'd feel sad, of course, 'cause there are a lot of other dolls on your shelves. And if you play with the other dolls, you can't have that doll anymore. Even though that doll doesn't want to play with you at this point. You're both living a lie. There's other dolls you like, and they're making new dolls every year. You want a stewardess doll?

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: Yeah.

Gordon: How about a slightly overweight cocktail waitress doll?

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: Yeah.

Gordon: What about a doll who happens to be best friends with your main doll?

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: Yeah.

Gordon: It could happen, right?

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: Yeah.

Gordon: What about a doll you only play with one day and never see again?

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: Yeeeah.

Gordon: What about a doll where your friend's playing with a doll and he needs you to, you know, kinda man up with the other doll? You don't even wanna play with that doll but you do it cause your friend's playing with that doll and you don't want to sit there and look at the other doll unattended.

Nine Year Old Amy, Five Year Old Kim: ...yeah.

Gordon: So that's why me and mom are getting divorced.


Aaron: Do you follow sports?

Amy: Oh, my God. Sports? I love them.

Aaron: Who are your favorite teams?

Amy: The, uh... I like smaller teams, like the... not the big leagues. I like the... like, um... Long Island Mediums. The... the Acorn Pine Cones.

Aaron: Haven't heard of them.

Amy: The Fire Island Penguins. I like the Cincinnati Thunder-Wizards.

Aaron: You can stop.

Amy: The Orlando... Blooms?

Aaron: You can stop. You don't follow sports.

Amy: I'm sorry, I don't. I don't know anything about sports.




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