這部片由塞斯羅根(Seth Rogen)與詹姆斯法蘭科(James Franco)主演,編劇與製作班底是「男孩我最壞」(Superbad)的原班人馬──塞斯羅根、Evan Goldberg與Judd Apatow,主軸雖然與「男孩我最壞」類似,講的是感人的男性情誼,卻融入了嗑藥劇情與大量動作片元素。雖然有不少缺點,大致說來還算不錯,尤其詹姆斯法蘭科幾乎救起了整部片。
25歲的Dale﹝塞斯羅根﹞是個負責送傳票的(process server),他常常得想出一些特別的方式、穿上不同的服裝,讓他得以在收件人沒有防備的狀況下,收下傳票。Dale與做毒品交易的Saul﹝詹姆斯法蘭科﹞是好友,有天Saul給Dale一款城裡只有他有貨的極品毒品:Pineapple Express,之後Dale送傳票給毒品大王﹝Gary Cole﹞,卻目睹了一樁殺人案,嚇壞了的Dale慌忙逃走之餘,不慎掉了一點Pineapple Express在現場,於是Dale與Saul展開了一場大逃亡,不過他們邊逃邊吸大麻,太high之餘有時根本分不清什麼是真的、什麼又是自己太神經質的幻覺。兩人向中游毒販Red﹝Danny McBride﹞探風聲並求援,歷經飛車追逐、槍戰、打鬥等等混亂。
本片的缺點有幾個:第三段的打鬥槍戰太久讓人悶,笑點比不上「男孩我最壞」與「好孕臨門」等等,而且開場那段可能會讓你以為租錯片了的戲,實在太好笑﹝Bill Hader飾演的軍人真是太強了,請看他的嘴﹞,以至於後面的劇情跟不上那樣的高度。自從看了開頭,我到現在都忘不掉Bill Hader的嘴。
不過這些缺點不打緊,因為整部片被詹姆斯法蘭科飾演的Saul給救活了,他演的Saul是自從「開放的美國學府」裡的Jeff Spicoli以來,最可愛最討喜最讓人記憶深刻的毒蟲。Saul是個單純、天真、傻氣的毒販,一個讓人打從心裡喜歡的毒販,當他一笑,你真的會認為這世界充滿陽光、人性本善﹝不知道是因為Saul真正天真,還是因為嗑藥嗑過頭了﹞,而他對毒品充滿感情的描述,真讓人以為毒品是他一生的真愛,他是全世界最誠懇的銷售員,他真正相信自己賣的產品。Saul要賺錢養自己與最愛的祖母,同時也很渴望友情,例如他希望Dale這位客人可以做他朋友、多留下來陪他的時候,很難不被Saul的單純而感動哪。如果奧斯卡是我家開的,一定會提名詹姆斯法蘭科。另外,Danny McBride也帶來了很精采的表演,我想不久的將來他也能在喜劇世界有很好的發展,另外提一下,他是「開麥拉驚魂」裡面負責爆破的那人。
導演David Gordon Green之前拍的都是些小眾藝術電影,接下「菠蘿快遞」的導演筒頗讓人驚訝,不過他的背景倒是為這部嗑藥喜劇帶來一些美感,例如兩位男主角在樹林裡的那段既好笑又美麗。
最後聊一下,這部片是在鼓勵大麻吸食嗎?看你問到誰,若問到反對吸食大麻的製作人Judd Apatow,他會說這部片讓觀眾明白,high的時候由於腦袋不清楚,會多麼無法運作、面對眼前的問題;但支持大麻的塞斯羅根則會說,看完這部片應該會讓大家想去哈一口。至於我哩,我認為大麻應該合法。我這輩子沒抽菸、不酗酒、從沒有抽過大麻,也不準備吸大麻。但是對於別人要不要殘害自己的身體,我一丁點意見都沒有。只是,如果菸酒是合法的,那我認為大麻也應該合法,畢竟抽菸會讓其他無辜的人吸入致癌物質,喝完酒出來鬧事打死人或開車撞死人的酒鬼天天有,而大麻哩,只要吸的時候乖乖待在房間裡幻想愛與和平,我才不管他要吸多少。大麻對人或許不好﹝跟菸酒一樣﹞,但至少應該合法吧,這樣比較公平。
註:"pineapple express"原指來自夏威夷的濕暖熱帶氣流,會帶來大量雨量。
Robert: Are you high?
Dale: What? No!
Shannon: You are high as a fucking kite!
Saul: This is like if that Blue Oyster shit met that Afghan Kush I had - and they had a baby. And then, meanwhile, that crazy Northern Light stuff I had and the Super Red Espresso Snowflake met and had a baby. And by some miracle, those two babies met and fucked - this would the shit that they birthed.
Dale: [smells the marijuana] Wow. This is the product of baby fucking.
Saul: Just sit back and get ready to enjoy some of the rarest weed known to mankind.
Dale: It's really that rare?
Saul: [exhales] It's, like, the rarest. It's almost a shame to smoke it. It's like killing a unicorn... with, like, a bomb.
Saul: BFFF?
Dale: Best Fuckin' Friends Forever, man!
Robert: You assholes do exactly as I say, or I will take you outside and fuck you in the street!
Dale: No! Don't fuck us anywhere!
Red: Do you know what today is?
Saul: Tuesday.
Red: This is my cat's birthday today.
Dale: I don't see a cat in here. I'm sorry. Did you let it out by accident?
Red: No, because he died three months ago, okay? So now who's the funny guy?
Dale: I'm sorry?
Red: Today is his birthday and it is a tradition that on his birthday I get up extra early and make him his favorite kind of dessert.
Saul: Don't worry, bro. Your cat's going to heaven.
Red: Yeah, maybe. Maybe he went to heaven. He was a little fucker. He could've gone to hell.
Dale: I'm gonna get us out of here!
Saul: No, you're not. But it's okay.
Red: I'm trying to decide how stoned I am and just how on the verge of death am I right now. Like, am I seeing shit because I'm stone or because I have no blood left in my body.
Dale: Well, you've been shot like seven times.
Red: [Red regains consciousness after shortly passing out from his wounds] I'm like the nerd at the sleepover who fell asleep at nine.
Dale: It's okay. We won't put our dicks in your mouth.
Dale: Couscous - the food's so nice they named it twice.
Saul: You know, don't get down on yourself: You got a great girl, you got a great job whete you don't go anything, you get to smoke weed all day... I wish I had that…
Dale: Are you kidd - you do, you have the easiest job on Earth. You DO smoke weed all day.
Saul: ...Hahaha, that's true!
Dale: You didn't think of that, huh?
Saul: I do have a good job…
Dale: Yeah, you do nothing!
Saul: Thanks, man!
Saul: Smell it. SMELL it! Enjoy. It's like... God's vagina!
Dale: Uhhh!
Saul: What, do you wanna bathe in it?
Dale: I just want to live in here!
Saul: Yes, you wanna be it?
Dale: Oh, my God, I just wanna shove it up my nose and have that smell all day. That's amazing! It's beautiful!
Saul: Shove it anywhere you like!
Dale: What's it called?
Saul: Pineapple Express.