整部片最讓我喜歡的是音樂,有我最愛的樂團之一Eels,也有女主角Zooey Deschanel清亮甜美的歌聲;第二喜歡的就是美麗的Zooey Deschanel。除此之外,劇情是還可以,但總覺得許多搞笑橋段一點都不好笑,而且有時候金凱瑞式的搞笑與本片並不搭。

Carl﹝金凱瑞﹞是銀行放款專員,每天過著封閉生活,對所有事情都說不,好友Peter﹝Bradley Cooper, 布萊德利古柏﹞想幫忙也無能為力。有天Carl被人說服參加一個自助活動,接受大師﹝Terence Stamp﹞指導──要對所有事情說YES,藉此擁抱與享受人生。改變後的他遇見Allison﹝Zooey Deschanel﹞並愛上她,起初Carl的改變對他的工作與愛情都很有幫助,但後來卻漸漸變調…

「沒問題先生」其實與金凱瑞的舊片「王牌大騙子」(Liar Liar)有點類似,在「王牌大騙子」裡主角被迫說實話,「沒問題先生」則變成被迫對事情說YES,不過兩相比較,我覺得「王」片比較有趣好看,而「沒」片的吸引人之處則變成音樂、堅強配角陣容與超級美麗的女主角Zooey Deschanel。另外,「一路玩到掛」(The Bucket List)也有類似的概念──放手體驗、享受人生,兩部片比較之下,「一路玩到掛」似乎更感人。


不過,配角部分很棒,例如飾演Carl上司的Rhys Darby、飾演精神導師的Terence Stamp等等都很搶眼,後來因「醉後大丈夫」走紅的布萊德利古柏也不錯,至於女主角──也是「戀夏(500日)」的主角──Zooey Deschanel則是美呆了,我也很喜歡她的歌聲,甜美但不會無力、清亮但不會太過空靈,看了「沒問題先生」會讓我想買她的專輯。

導演Peyton Reed之前的作品包括「愛情趴趴走」(Down with Love)、「同床異夢」(The Break-Up)等等,都不是非常好的作品,「沒問題先生」也屬於這一類,我反而覺得Reed的校園青春片「魅力四射」(Bring It On),是他的電影中把喜劇元素調得最剛好的。


另一種思考:金凱瑞與Zooey Deschanel相差18歲,在銀幕上可以演情侶;而金凱瑞與飾演性觀念開放鄰居老太太的Fionnula Flanagan相差21歲,當Fionnula Flanagan主動時就是被拿來讓人發笑的。好萊塢資深女星生存大不易呀。


Tweed: Can you explain why you were at the airport buying a ticket with no luggage?
Carl Allen: You know it was a spur of the moment trip.
Tweed: Yeah I was just explaining to my partner here how much I've always wanted to see Lincoln, Nebraska.


Norman: You called me Norm!
Carl Allen: Yeah.
Norman: Could that like be my nickname?
Carl Allen: Yeah, I guess.
Norman: Ah nice, I like your style, Car. That could be yours.
Carl Allen: Yeah, Carl's pretty short already but...


Carl Allen: [while watching Saw on DVD] Oh come on, you're halfway through, just snap it off already!


歌詞:Munchausen By Proxy f/ Zooey Deschanel & Von Iva - Sweet Ballad

Got nothing to prove, I'm not your whore
You're gonna lose, coz I got more
Not sure you can endure
I'm not your little, I'm not your little, I'm not your little

Von Iva: Whore whore whore...
Zooey: Not your late night booty call
Von Iva: Whore no more...
Zooey: Don't call me passed 11pm, it won't happen again

Like a scab that won't heal, just another sore
Lost face in the crowd such a lonely bore

Don't call me passed 11pm, it won't happen again
Happened once, it happened twice it happened three times, maybe four times, maybe five times, maybe, maybe it happened six
times but it won't happen seven times
No no no no no no...

Whore whore whore
Not your late night booty call
Whore no more
Don't call me passed 11pm it won't happen again
You could call me at 10.59 but don't call me at 11 coz that's my rule now


(Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.)

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