好久沒寫音樂相關的東西了,既然有網友希望我多聊些音樂,那就寫寫這些日子以來我最常聽的歌吧。這是出自2003年Liz Phair同名專輯的“Red Light Fever”﹝目前本頁播放的就是這首歌﹞。有一天我將會寫自從高中以來,Liz Phair對我有多麼大的影響,不過現在先拿一首歌來描述Liz Phair的歌詞如何能深深打動人心。

Scared the lights will turn green.
You'll have to be seen.
You'll be like anybody else.

Scared the lights will turn red,
You're stuck in your head.
Too scared to commit to even her.
How are you gonna get through the year?





我沒愛上有婦之夫啊,要先澄清一下,但是這歌詞還是讓人聽了很痛很難過,聽到後面她喊著"You're always thinking, you're always thinking you know what everybody else should do with their lives"的時候都快飆淚了。總覺得搖滾女生寫的抒情歌都特別讓人心痛,大概她們特別喜歡一針見血,而不是拿一堆華麗的詞藻來讓人連主題都看不懂吧。


Red Light Fever

Lying wide awake in the dark
Trying to figure out where you are
Always going nowhere, afraid of going somewhere
And somewhere's a place in your heart...

Sometimes when I think about you,
Why you're always running away...
Sitting in your car, changing who you are
And drowning the thoughts of your life in the music

Scared the lights will turn green, you'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red, you're stuck in your head
Too scared to commit to even her, how are you gonna get through the year?

You can't.
Playing on both sides of the net
Too many people want too many things,
And you only want to forget...

Scared the lights will turn green, you'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red, you're stuck in your head
Too scared to commit to even her, how are you gonna make it through?

You're always listening, you're always listening, you're always listening to yourself
You're always thinking, you're always thinking you know what everybody else
Should do with their lives

Lying wide awake in the dark
Trying to figure out where you are...
Always going nowhere, afraid of going somewhere
And somewhere's a place in your heart

Scared the lights will turn green, you'll have to be seen
You'll be like anybody else
Scared the lights will turn red, you're stuck in your head
Too scared to commit to even her, how are you gonna get through the year?

    創作者 Lizzy 的頭像


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