“All the girls said I’m pretty fly (for a white guy).”
後裔合唱團﹝The Offspring﹞曾經有首歌叫做:Pretty Fly (for a white guy)。歌名中譯可解釋為「以一個白人來說,算是頗酷的了」。﹝fly在英文俚語是代表酷、正點等等﹞歌詞內容是在講述一個很想成為黑人的白小子。
今天重聽這首歌,突然有新的體悟,讓我想到台灣很多歌手…欸,其實不能說是台灣歌手,因為其中有許多華裔美國人…哎,大家知道我的意思。言歸正傳,總之,很多台灣歌手,老以為自己是黑人,自視為R&B或是hip-hop高手,皺起眉頭閉起眼睛,以為很投入,畫虎不成反類犬,學不到黑人唱歌的精髓也就算了,反而把唱歌搞得像是排便不順,手勢看起來像抽筋,而且老被罵抄襲。於是他們就開始搞「東西融合」,混成一堆不中不西的噪音,湊成歌來賣錢,以為這樣大家就不會怪他們模仿別人,畢竟他們有「融合自己的文化,創造全新的音樂風格」。而今天,聽這首”Pretty Fly (for a white guy)”,發現其中的歌詞,配上某些台灣歌手的模樣,真的好配唷!
Our subject isn’t cool but he fakes it anyway.
He may not have a clue and he may not have style.
But everything he lacks, well, he makes up in denial.
Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass.
But if he looks twice, they’re gonna KICK HIS LILY ASS!
還有一段,說他去刺青,原本要刺個酷酷的”13”,結果卻刺成31冰淇淋的”31”。朋友說他”try too hard”,而且他”not quite hip”,但是在他心中,自己是”dopest trip”。﹝一般”trip”指的是吸毒之後的…欸,怎麼說呢,「超駭之旅」好了;dope是指毒品麻藥跟毒癮者等等﹞
哎,真是太受不了那些簡直在騙吃騙喝的「音樂才子才女」們了,真該找人去”kick their lily ass!”
Pretty Fly (For A White Guy)
You know it's kind of hard
Just to get along today
Our subject isn't cool
But he fakes it anyway
He may not have a clue
And he may not have style
But everything he lacks
Well he makes up in denial
So don't debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway
He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you no way, for you no way
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
The world needs wannabe's
So do that brand new thing
He needs some cool tunes
Not just any will suffice
But they didn't have Ice Cube
So he bought Vanilla Ice
Now cruising in his Pinto, he sees homies as he pass
But if he looks twice They're gonna kick his lily ass
Now he's getting a tattoo
He's gettin' ink done
He asked for a '13', but they drew a '31'
Friends say he's trying too hard
And he's not quite hip
But in his own mind
He's the dopest trip
So don't debate, a player straight
You know he really doesn't get it anyway
He's gonna play the field, and keep it real
For you no way, for you no way
So if you don't rate, just overcompensate
At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake
The world needs wannabe's
The world loves wannabe's
So let's get some more wannabe's
And do that brand new thing
- Apr 01 Sat 2006 17:39