這部1991年前的片真可謂大牌雲集,包括莎莉菲爾德(Sally Field)、小勞勃道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)、凱文克萊(Kevin Kline)、琥碧戈柏(Whoopi Goldberg)、伊莉莎白蘇(Elisabeth Shue)、泰瑞海契(Teri Hatcher)等等,若大家想看他們二十年前的模樣,不妨瞧瞧這齣喜劇。
本片主角Celeste﹝莎莉菲爾德﹞是電視當紅女星,演出肥皂劇"The Sun Also Sets"非常受歡迎,也得過不少獎。同劇金髮女配角Montana﹝Cathy Moriarty﹞非常忌妒,於是色誘電視製作人David﹝小勞勃道尼﹞,開條件說只要把Celeste趕走,就願意與David上床。色迷心竅的David找來過去演過"The Sun Also Sets"、同時也是Celeste前男友的Jeffrey﹝凱文克萊﹞,希望能藉此把Celeste逼走。David要求編劇Rose﹝琥碧戈柏﹞讓Jeffrey當年的角色再活過來,Rose抗議說做不到,因為當年那角色頭都斷了,但David不為所動。事情又因一位新演員Lori﹝伊莉莎白蘇﹞的加入,變得更為複雜,這些演員的真實生活,成為了名符其實的肥皂劇。
主要演員們似乎都演得蠻享受的,盡情誇張搞笑,尤其莎莉菲爾德、小勞勃道尼、凱文克萊、Cathy Moriarty等等非常有趣。劇情部分非常誇張,但這也是肥皂劇的基本要素之一,何況,現在有些熱門電視劇照樣很扯﹝台灣或外國皆然﹞,死的人會活過來,壞的人會變好人,演員們戲外還要炒新聞,一切都只為收視率,「肥皂拼盤」只是把這些情形弄得再誇張一點兒罷了,例如片中的開腦手術討論就很白爛,搞得像是要下廚切菜一樣;而片中演員的戲外情更是亂到極點,Celeste、Jeffrey、Lori三人的感情糾葛與背景真是很誇張,各位看了就知道。
本片編劇之一是Andrew Bergman,他是馬修鮑德瑞克主演電影「新鮮人」(The Freshman)的編劇與導演,另一位編劇Robert Harling則寫過「鋼木蘭」(Steel Magnolias)。他們為本片添加不少笑料,雖然並非時時有笑點,但整體說來還是不錯的劇本。
Rose Schwartz: Actors don't like to play coma. They feel it limits their range.
Montana Moorehead: YOU - promised me you would get rid of Celeste. WE WERE BOTH NAKED AND YOU PROMISED! NAKED!
David Barnes: Hey! We were never naked.
Montana Moorehead: Well, we could have been!
Celeste Talbert: [accepting an award] Ohhh, there's so many people to thank. First of all, my fabulous supporting cast, who gives a new meaning to the word "support"...
[At their table]
Ariel Maloney: Bitch!
David Barnes: Hag!
Montana Moorehead: I hate her so much!
Betsy Faye Sharon: She came in yesterday. I don't know who the hell she is. Her name is Naven, Maven, Slaven... Claven... there's no agent.
David Barnes: Find her.
Betsy Faye Sharon: Well, what if she can't act?
Burton White: That never stopped us before!
[Barnes snaps his fingers]
Betsy Faye Sharon: What?
David Barnes: [snap, snap, snap, snap, snap] We make her mute!
Burton White: What?
David Barnes: If she doesn't speak, we don't have to pay her as much. A homeless deaf-mute: what could be more pathetic? God, I'm good.
Rose Schwartz: The guy was killed in an auto accident! I looked it up! He was driving in the Yukon, in a pink convertible, to visit his brother who's an ex-con named Frances, when a tractor trailer comes along and decapitates him. You know what that mean, it means he doesn't have a head. How am I suppose to write for a guy who doesn't have a head? He's got no lips, no vocal cords. What do you want me to do?
Montana Moorehead: [about Lori Craven] She has more lines than I do and she's a GOD DAMN MUTE!