這部片頗令我失望,原本看預告片蠻好笑的,而且我很喜歡Seth Rogen極為特別的聲音﹝尤其是笑聲﹞,加上北美票房很好,所以期待不低,但是看完後卻覺得沒有太特別之處,而且最棒的笑點在預告裡都出現得差不多了。不過,如果只想過個輕鬆的一個多小時,「怪獸大戰外星人」也還不難看,尤其Seth Rogen的配音搭著搞笑的台詞,實在會令人笑破肚皮。不過,我想小孩子會比大人喜歡這部片。
雖然本片帶有諷刺或惡搞老科幻片的味道,例如50年代的「變蠅人」、"The Blob"等等,還有個與「奇愛博士」差不多的戰情室,但整體說來就是好人vs.壞人大戰,沒有太特別,主角Susan也很無趣,完全讓配角B.O.B.搶走焦點。本片有兩位導演與六位編劇,或許這也造成了劇本的問題──分開看幾句對話還蠻好笑的,但整體故事並不怎麼樣。而本片最終的概念:天生我材必有用、接納自己、不要看輕別人等等,對小孩當然是不錯的機會教育,但對成人觀眾而言,「怪獸大戰外星人」太簡化、太老梗,看完很可能會覺得悵然若失。
不過,有些政治諷刺意味的對白還是蠻好笑的,例如針對外星人入侵問題,美國政府的想法之一包括:"Let’s give them all green cards and make them proud to be Americans!",或是諷刺美國國家安全風險的警告制度時,片中的總統說:"Boys, set the terror level at code brown, 'cause I need to change my pants.";另外有些懷舊的劇情或配樂,例如一段配合「比佛利山超級警探」配樂跳舞的部分,就讓我覺得好讚。這些脫口秀型的對白,是稍微可以讓觀賞的大人獲得一些樂趣。
由「好孕臨門」男主角Seth Rogen配音的B.O.B. (Bicarbonate Ostylezene Benzoate),是劇中最好笑的角色,他長得像個大果凍,沒有腦,個性善良少一根筋,配上Seth Rogen的特殊聲音與笑聲,又愚蠢卻又純真,讓B.O.B.每次一出現就令整部片歡樂起來,而且Seth Rogen的感染力太強,我注視著半透明、果凍般的B.O.B.就覺得自己真的看到Seth Rogen了。
除了Seth Rogen,其他的配音演員陣容也很堅強,例如替女巨人Susan配音的是瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon),她未婚夫的聲音則是Paul Rudd,喜劇演員Will Arnett、Hugh Laurie等等也為怪獸配音,周末夜現場的班底/編劇Stephen Colbert替片中的美國總統配音…連Amy Pohler都軋一角,不過雖然陣容堅強,卻沒有為劇中角色帶來太多特色。
Paul Rudd
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Might we ask for your name, madam?
Susan Murphy: Susan.
B.O.B.: No, we mean like your monster name. You know, what do people scream when they see you coming? Like "Look out! Here comes...?"
Susan Murphy: Susan.
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Really?
B.O.B.: [spookily] SUUUUSSAAANN! Ooh, I just scared myself! That is scary!
The President of the United States: Boys, set the terror level at code brown, 'cause I need to change my pants.
Gallaxhar: Humans of Earth, I come in peace. You need not fear me, I mean you no harm. However, it is important to note that most of you will not survive the next 24 hours. The few of you that do survive will be enslaved and experimented upon. You should, in no way, take any of this personally. It's just business. So to recap, I come in peace, I mean you no harm, and you all will die. Gallaxhar out.
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: [about B.O.B] Forgive him, but as you can see, he has no brain.
B.O.B.: Turns out, you don't need one. Totally overrated!
News Reporter: Once again, a UFO has landed in America, the only country UFOs ever seem to land in.
General W.R. Monger: Don't think of it as prison. Think of it as a hotel that you can never leave, 'cause it's locked from the outside.
Advisor Hawk: We need our top minds on this. Get India on the phone.
(Photo courtesy of DreamWorks)
雖然本片帶有諷刺或惡搞老科幻片的味道,例如50年代的「變蠅人」、"The Blob"等等,還有個與「奇愛博士」差不多的戰情室,但整體說來就是好人vs.壞人大戰,沒有太特別,主角Susan也很無趣,完全讓配角B.O.B.搶走焦點。本片有兩位導演與六位編劇,或許這也造成了劇本的問題──分開看幾句對話還蠻好笑的,但整體故事並不怎麼樣。而本片最終的概念:天生我材必有用、接納自己、不要看輕別人等等,對小孩當然是不錯的機會教育,但對成人觀眾而言,「怪獸大戰外星人」太簡化、太老梗,看完很可能會覺得悵然若失。
不過,有些政治諷刺意味的對白還是蠻好笑的,例如針對外星人入侵問題,美國政府的想法之一包括:"Let’s give them all green cards and make them proud to be Americans!",或是諷刺美國國家安全風險的警告制度時,片中的總統說:"Boys, set the terror level at code brown, 'cause I need to change my pants.";另外有些懷舊的劇情或配樂,例如一段配合「比佛利山超級警探」配樂跳舞的部分,就讓我覺得好讚。這些脫口秀型的對白,是稍微可以讓觀賞的大人獲得一些樂趣。
由「好孕臨門」男主角Seth Rogen配音的B.O.B. (Bicarbonate Ostylezene Benzoate),是劇中最好笑的角色,他長得像個大果凍,沒有腦,個性善良少一根筋,配上Seth Rogen的特殊聲音與笑聲,又愚蠢卻又純真,讓B.O.B.每次一出現就令整部片歡樂起來,而且Seth Rogen的感染力太強,我注視著半透明、果凍般的B.O.B.就覺得自己真的看到Seth Rogen了。
除了Seth Rogen,其他的配音演員陣容也很堅強,例如替女巨人Susan配音的是瑞絲薇絲朋(Reese Witherspoon),她未婚夫的聲音則是Paul Rudd,喜劇演員Will Arnett、Hugh Laurie等等也為怪獸配音,周末夜現場的班底/編劇Stephen Colbert替片中的美國總統配音…連Amy Pohler都軋一角,不過雖然陣容堅強,卻沒有為劇中角色帶來太多特色。
Paul Rudd
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Might we ask for your name, madam?
Susan Murphy: Susan.
B.O.B.: No, we mean like your monster name. You know, what do people scream when they see you coming? Like "Look out! Here comes...?"
Susan Murphy: Susan.
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: Really?
B.O.B.: [spookily] SUUUUSSAAANN! Ooh, I just scared myself! That is scary!
The President of the United States: Boys, set the terror level at code brown, 'cause I need to change my pants.
Gallaxhar: Humans of Earth, I come in peace. You need not fear me, I mean you no harm. However, it is important to note that most of you will not survive the next 24 hours. The few of you that do survive will be enslaved and experimented upon. You should, in no way, take any of this personally. It's just business. So to recap, I come in peace, I mean you no harm, and you all will die. Gallaxhar out.
Dr. Cockroach Ph.D.: [about B.O.B] Forgive him, but as you can see, he has no brain.
B.O.B.: Turns out, you don't need one. Totally overrated!
News Reporter: Once again, a UFO has landed in America, the only country UFOs ever seem to land in.
General W.R. Monger: Don't think of it as prison. Think of it as a hotel that you can never leave, 'cause it's locked from the outside.
Advisor Hawk: We need our top minds on this. Get India on the phone.
(Photo courtesy of DreamWorks)