


本片英文片名原本不是"American Hustle"而是"American Bullshit",片中人物都抱著一種美國夢,只是他們的實現方法是靠騙術與假象。而整個騙局,參與的層級很廣大,小騙子、政府、黑道...等等,全員到齊。本片破題的字幕不是一般常見的"based on a true story",而是"some of this stuff actually happened",就帶著一種真真假假很難分辨或看清的味道。電影開頭就是克里斯汀貝爾飾演的禿頭男正在專心仔細地黏好他的假髮片,直接點出了「瞞天大佈局」的主題:外表與欺騙。







本片的元素很多,但那些都好像煙霧彈一樣,最核心的主軸,我覺得是四人的糾結感情,以及他們的假假真真。也因此,片中最精彩的時刻,就是一場四人都有參與的派對,其中更令人印象深刻的,就是正宮Rosalyn與小三Sydney的對決。她們見面交手的各種細微情緒,讓人目不轉睛,如果你曾是正宮或小三,相信更會為她們的內心糾結而感動。這段戲有一部分的配樂是"How Do You Mend A Broken Heart",這音樂在這兒讓我很傷感,實在非常搭配,Irving, Sydney, Rosalyn,這些人是不怎麼樣的人,但他們也是群心碎的人,在各種傷心感情的起起伏伏間難以放手,又無法得到純粹的幸福。我想這是整部片最吸引我的一段。









本片的主要演員都與編劇兼導演大衛歐羅素合作過,例如「燃燒鬥魂」(The Fighter)的克里斯汀貝爾與艾美亞當絲,「派特的幸福劇本」的布萊德利庫柏與珍妮佛勞倫斯﹝其實還有在本片客串的勞勃狄尼洛﹞。大衛歐羅素早年曾幾次在拍片現場爆出與演員不合、口角的新聞,不過近年來他與同片演員似乎合作得越來越好,還幫很多演員拿到奧斯卡提名,難怪老班底都想繼續與他合作了。




Irving Rosenfeld: She was the Picasso of passive-aggressive karate.


Rosalyn Rosenfeld: We fight and then we fuck, that's our thing.


Richie DiMaso: I know you think - look at me, hey, Edith - I know you think Irv loves you. I know you think you know him. You think that he sees the world as this cold, dark place. He cares about nobody but a very few people on a short list: His son, his father, Rosalyn, and you. You think you're on the top of the list? What if you're not? What if you're not on that list? What if you're not even on that list at all? He'd be in here right now if he took the cheque, but no, you did. God, it's so clear to me; it's crazy, it's clear to me, but it's not clear to you: He uses you, Edith, to protect himself, to protect son, and his wife in Long Island. No? Yes. He put a ring on her finger, he adopted her son. They have a huge house and they have two huge cars, what does she do all day? I'll tell you what she does: She plays with her nails, she watches TV, and she spends your money; the money that you make.


Sydney Prosser: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: What do I think I'm doing? What the fuck do you think you're doing? You're going to come in here and judge me for flirting with someone else when you've been fucking my husband for how many years?

Sydney Prosser: You haven't got any fucking clue what's going on!

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: I have a ring on my finger. We have a child together!

Sydney Prosser: He doesn't love you, Rosalyn. He loves me. You know it, and I know it, and he knows it. It might be done now, but it was beautiful, and it was real...

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: Stop it.

Sydney Prosser: -and we loved each other.

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: Shut up.

Sydney Prosser: You scare him, and you manipulate him, and you use your son!

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: Well, he must like it on some level. He must want it, because he keeps coming back for it. It's like that perfume that you love, that you can't stop smelling even when there's something sour in it. Can't get enough of it. He's never gonna leave me. He's always going to want me, and I'm going to make you so sorry, Edith. I am going to make you so sorry for what you've done to my family. Mark my words!

Sydney Prosser: That is fucked up! I would never say anything that fucked up to anybody, but you do because you're gross inside. You're so fucked up and gross.

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: Oh, I'm gross inside?

Sydney Prosser: Yeah!

Rosalyn Rosenfeld: Maybe you're gross inside. What, robbing people and all that shit that you do? Maybe we're both gross inside, and that's what Irving loves about us. At least he's consistent. You know, sometimes in life, all you have are fucked up, poisonous choices.

(Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures)


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