1995年出品的「愛在黎明破曉時」(Before Sunrise)是我非常喜歡的愛情電影,但它跟傳統浪漫喜劇不太一樣,嚴格說來它沒有什麼劇情,電影內容簡單講就是二十歲出頭的主角兩人走過城市、不斷對話罷了,但在這些瑣碎的經歷與交談中,有一種細膩的描述與感動,讓人想起愛情開始那一刻的許多細節,種種肢體動作與眼神,以及細微的情緒,極為動人。
雖然故事結構很簡單,但導演Richard Linklater利用整個環境﹝例如景點與遇到的人物﹞,帶出男女主角的個性與思想,所以即使我們對主角的背景不甚了解,但從他們滔滔不絕的對話中,感覺跟他們很熟悉,就像劇中兩人一樣,他們原本不認識對方,但經過半天相處,也能感覺很投緣、很認識對方,甚至感到愛上對方。而他們精采的交談過程,更是讓「愛在黎明破曉時」極為突出的主因,重點不只是對話帶出的主角性格,還包括在那些對話背後的欣喜或尷尬或渴望,各種情緒是如此自然、兩位演員是如此認真聆聽彼此、話題天南地北自然移轉,那種真實感會令你覺得整部片是他們即興演出,或甚至是用隱藏式攝影機偷偷錄下的。
Jesse: I don't know, I think that if I could just accept the fact that my life is supposed to be difficult. You know, that's what to be expected, then I might not get so pissed-off about it and I'll just be glad when something nice happens.
Jesse: Why is it, that a dog, sleeping in the sun, is so beautiful, y'know, it is, it's beautiful, but a guy, standing at a bank machine, trying to take some money out, looks like a complete moron?
Jesse: Alright, alright. Think of it like this: jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you're married. Only your marriage doesn't have that same energy that it used to have, y'know. You start to blame your husband. You start to think about all those guys you've met in your life and what might have happened if you'd picked up with one of them, right? Well, I'm one of those guys. That's me y'know, so think of this as time travel, from then, to now, to find out what you're missing out on. See, what this really could be is a gigantic favor to both you and your future husband to find out that you're not missing out on anything. I'm just as big a loser as he is, totally unmotivated, totally boring, and, uh, you made the right choice, and you're really happy.
Celine: Did your parents divorce?
Jesse: Yeah. Finally. They should have done it a lot sooner, but they stuck together for a while for the "well-being of my sister and I", thank you very much. I remember my mother once. She told me, right in front of my father, they were having this big fight, that he didn't really want to have me, you know, that he was really pissed off when he found out that she was pregnant with me, you know, that I was this big mistake. And I think that really shaped the way I think. I always saw the world as this place where I really wasn't meant to be.
Celine: That's so sad.
Jesse: No, I mean, I eventually kind of took pride in it. You know, like my life was my own doing, or something. You know, like I was crashing 'The Big Party'.
Jesse: I mean, just once, I'd love to see, some little old lady save up all her money, to go to the fortune teller, and she'd get there, all excited about hearing her future, and the woman would say, "Um-humm. Tomorrow, and all your remaining days will be exactly like today. A tedious collection of hours. And you will have no new passions, and no new thoughts and no new travels, and when you die, you'll be completely forgotten.
Celine: I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away.
(Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures)