
A分析師:Sometimes the money seems intangible to me. The money is flowing around, but we didn't see anything.

B客戶:That's true.

A分析師:Considering work-load, pressure and paycheck, our financial return is quite OK compared with other professionals such as lawyers and doctors...

B客戶:But it's different. Doctors, they...

A分析師:Yeah, yeah, contribute to the society, I know.

B客戶﹝非常嚴肅地﹞:They're saving lives.

A分析師:I know. Compared with them, we didn't actually do anything. Like what I said about intangible money. We just keep saying things and there's no real output. My wife always said I am, well, WE ARE spoiled.

我們這位A分析師的感受,跟我是一樣的。在金融業待久了,真的有「我們到底在幹嘛」的感受,很虛幻,很「沒用」。先前跟一些朋友聊,也有類似的感覺。A分析師說出的那句"Yeah, yeah, contribute to the society, I know.",雖然是很嘲諷的口氣,但我不覺得他在嘲諷「contribute to the society」或是「醫生」,而是在自嘲。我們感覺得出,自己對社會真的沒什麼貢獻,但是又太清楚自己需要安全感與金錢,所以留下來。於是我們都ㄍㄧㄣ在這裡,每天都在等一個「什麼」發生來促使我們離開。像什麼呢?例如被公司裁員資遣啦、53歲時發現自己只剩幾個月可活啦、心愛的老婆嚴重車禍讓人感受到家庭的重要啦、老父重病需要照顧啦...等等。或許,那個「什麼」也不一定要如此戲劇化,也可以是:有一天早上起床發現自己再也受不了啦,連錢的因素都不想管了。

我不知道我的「什麼」會是什麼﹝天啊我到底在寫什麼﹞,但我知道自己在等它,而且希望那個「什麼」是好一點的,而不是發現自己只能再活一年之類的。在「什麼」發生之前,我依然低頭窩在這個不知道有何意義有何貢獻的金融業,也明白世上有太多人做的事情都比我們有意義,"Yeah, yeah, contribute to the society, I know."

I know.
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