第一次接觸Tori Amos的音樂,是大學時期,買了一堆CD、單曲,借了一些靴子腿與錄影帶來欣賞,對我來說她像是個神,作品不僅曲調極為動人,難懂的歌詞常常帶來剝洋蔥般的樂趣,隨著時間過去往往會有更多領悟。加上她恰巧是antichrist、也顯然不欣賞布希,與我相同,所以有很多歌詞特別打動我。而且感覺她內心的澎湃程度大概跟我差不多,這從她可以把柔美的鋼琴彈到那麼激動,就看得出來,哈哈。所以我想找些機會,慢慢介紹她的歌曲與演唱帶給我的感動。今天先從”Here. In My Head”開始。
初聽”Here. In My Head”就先被一句歌詞打動,” maybe i'm just the horizon you run to when / she has left you there”,而後面一段更是刺到我心裡:
and you know that
apple green ice cream
can melt in your hands
i can't, so...
我總覺得,不能理會任何人叫我「做自己」,那種建議不可能是真心的。我太實際又想太多,無法「被融化」,不是那種可以閉著眼睛當作問題都不存在的人,也不是能把問題永遠藏起來的人,更不可能笨到沒發現問題。很多時候我本能地把真正的自己藏起來,但藏不住的時候,我還能說什麼?只能用Tori的話去解釋吧:”Apple green ice cream can melt in your hands. I can’t. So…”
Here. In My Head
in my head i found you there and
running around and following me
but you don't, oh, dare, now
but i find that i have, now
more then i ever wanted to
so maybe thomas jefferson
wasn't born in your backyard
like you have said and
maybe i'm just the horizon you run to when
she has left you there, you, are
here in my head
and running around and calling me
"come back i'll show you the roses
that brush off the snow
and open their petals again and again"
and you know that
apple green ice cream
can melt in your hands
i can't, so...
i held your hand at the fair
and even forgot what time it was
and even thomas jefferson
wasn't born in your backyard
like you have said and
maybe i'm just the horizon you run to
when she has left
you and me here
alone on the floor
you're counting my feathers
as the bells toll
you see the bow and the belt
and the girl from the south
all favorites of mine
you know them all well
and spring brings fresh little puddles
that makes it all clear
makes it all...
hey, do you know
hey, do you know
what this is doing to me?
oh, here...
here. in my head
註:”Here. In My Head”並未出現在專輯裡,而是在英版”Crucify (Part 1)”單曲中。
- Oct 07 Wed 2009 01:04
Here. In My Head by Tori Amos