
住在美國蒙大拿州的老先生Woody﹝布魯斯鄧﹞認為他贏了一百萬美金的樂透,堅持要遠赴內布拉斯加州去領獎。家人當然都知道他被騙了,但Woody極為堅持,兒子David﹝Will Forte﹞只好同意載他去,或許等Woody到現場發現是騙局,一切就可回復正常...









不過,兒子David更令人同情,他是個善良有耐心的人,對人生只有微小的期待,內心雖常為現狀感到失望脆弱,但一直忍下來先以別人為重,我甚至覺得David才是本片的核心所在,這可能是他最後一次有機會多了解父親,以及從父親身上看到自己可能的未來﹝或想要避免的未來﹞,David對家人的敦厚情感連結了全家,也帶給整部片堅定的溫暖氣氛,抵抗著周遭天寒地凍的環境與冷酷的人情,Will Forte極為低調自然的演出,在本片裡特別有力量。

June Squibb飾演Woody的老婆,她一出現,整部片的調性就變得輕鬆搞笑,但是從她完全無法過濾想法的那張嘴,可以想像這樣的角色雖然對觀眾是樂趣來源,但做她家人應該是挺痛苦的。像是她聽到老公為了那不存在的一百萬,就算走都要走去內布拉斯加時,酸溜溜地說"I never knew the son of a bitch even wanted to be a millionaire. He should have thought about it years ago, and worked for it.",這句話很實在、很好笑,但這種言語羞辱聽在她老公耳裡應該很不好受。再看看這段父子對話:
David Grant: How did you and mom end up getting married?
Woody Grant: She wanted to.
David Grant: And you didn't?
Woody Grant: I figured, what the hell.
David Grant: Were you ever sorry you married her?
Woody Grant: All the time.




Receptionist: Does he have Alzheimer's?
David Grant: No, he just believes what people tell him.
Receptionist: That's too bad.
David Grant: Yeah.


Woody Grant: I won a million dollars.

ER Doctor: Congratulations, that'll just about pay for a day in the hospital.


Kate Grant: That's Ed Pegram singing.

[to Woody]

Kate Grant: Did you know that he was always trying to get in my bloomers?

David Grant: Jesus Mom! Was the whole town trying to seduce you?

Kate Grant: These boys grow up staring at the rear ends of cows and pigs, it's only natural that a real woman will get them chafing their pants.


Kate Grant: [looking at graves] There's Woody's little sister, Rose. She was only nineteen when she was killed in a car wreck near Wausa. What a whore!

David Grant: Mom!

Kate Grant: Nah, I liked Rose, but my God, she was a slut.

David Grant: C'mon...

Kate Grant: I'm just telling you the truth!

David Grant: Where's your family?

Kate Grant: Oh, they're over in the Catholic cemetery. Catholics wouldn't be caught dead around all these damn Lutherans.

[Approaches another tombstone]

Kate Grant: Here's Delmer, Woody's cousin, he was a drunk. One time we were wrestling and he felt me up. Grabbed a handful of boob and Woody was right there and didn't have a clue, did ya Woody?


Kate Grant: Keith White. He wanted in my pants, too. But he was so boring.

[Kate lifts her dress and flashes a tombstone]

Kate Grant: See what you could have, Keith, if you hadn't talked about wheat all the time.


Receptionist: [after telling Woody he hasn't won the money] I can give you a free gift. Would you like a hat or a seat cushion?

David Grant: Dad. Do you want a hat or a seat cushion?

Woody Grant: I'll take a hat.


David Grant: So, what do you think, dad?

Woody Grant: It doesn't look finished to me.

David Grant: How do you mean?

Woody Grant: [upon seeing Mount Rushmore] Well, it looks like somebody got bored doing it. Washington's the only one with any clothes, and they're just kind of roughed in. Lincoln doesn't even have an ear.



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