編劇兼導演Mike Cahill目前的兩部電影作品:2011年的《另一個地球》(Another Earth)與2014年的《I型起源》,獲得的評價雖只算中上,但都很合我胃口。《I型起源》比《另一個地球》概念更成熟完整,執行成果更精鍊,劇本也更力求合理,像片中人物某次上樓時選擇走樓梯的原因,以及將搭電梯的行為拖到最後才發生,都是經過用心鋪陳的。最吸引我的是,《I型起源》像是有某種很浪漫的深海洋流,在片中那些科學研究背後悄悄流動著,非常觸動我心。
這是一部難以預料劇情走向的電影,至少在看前三分之二的時候皆如此。Ian(Michael Pitt)是個年輕的科學家,著重科學與邏輯,對所謂造物主的概念嗤之以鼻。為了一次擺平宗教人士的論點,他希望與助理Karen(Brit Marling)找出「眼睛」從無到有的完整進化過程,證明即使是人身上最有「靈性」的器官,都是由進化而來...但是這理論後續的發展,與他生命中遇到的一雙明眸,卻可能翻轉他的信念......
英文片名I Origins的意義,我猜有兩層,一個是I作為Eye的諧音,代表Ian在尋找的眼睛進化源起;另一方面,或許這個I也同時代表人的自我意識,甚至是靈魂。
比較可惜的是,Sofi(Astrid Bergès-Frisbey飾演)與Karen(Brit Marling飾演)兩個女性角色的特質,比較像把刻板印象全丟進去製造出的光譜兩極樣板人物,一個嚴肅理性認真,是個外表完全不修邊幅的科學家,還要戴一副大大的粗框眼鏡;一個美麗天真爛漫,是個追求宇宙玄秘真理的模特兒,隨時明艷動人。此種人物塑造過於陳腔濫調,顯得不真實。另外,片尾跑完工作人員名單後的驚喜畫面,我認為破壞了整部片帶來的氛圍,就算是為了也許會發生的續集鋪路,依舊很沒必要。
跟之前由編導Cahill兼任攝影師的《另一個地球》相比,本片攝影Markus Förderer將畫面提昇不少(當然另一方面也歸功於預算變多了,從十萬美金跳到一百萬美金),尤其一雙雙眼睛拍得很美,彷彿是一個個小宇宙,從沒想過人類的眼可以如此美到令人醉心。Mike Cahill目前兩部作品題材都很特別,是個很不自我設限、勇於挑戰的導演,我很期待未來他有越來越多的預算之後,是否能帶來更多驚奇。
"When the big bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and, who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years. So my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms. "
Sofi: Why are you working so hard to disprove God?
Ian: Disprove? Who proved that God was there in the first place?
Sofi: How many senses do worms have?
Ian: They have two. Smell and touch. Why?
Sofi: So... they live without any ability to see or even know about light, right? The notion of light to them is unimaginable.
Ian: Yeah.
Sofi: But we humans... we know that light exists. All around them... right on top of them... they cannot sense it. But with a little mutation, they do. Right?
Ian: Correct.
Sofi: So... Doctor Eye... perhaps some humans, rare humans... have mutated to have another sense. A spirit sense. And can perceive a world that is right on top of us... everywhere. Just like the light on these worms.
Sofi: Do you know the story of the Phasianidae?
Ian: The... No, what's that?
Sofi: It's a bird that experiences all of time in one instant. And she sings the song of love and anger and fear and joy and sadness all at once. And this bird... when she meets the love of her life... is both happy and sad. Happy because she sees that for him it is the beginning, and sad because she knows it is already over.
Ian: I don't believe in luck. I do believe we've known each other since forever, though.
Sofi: Really?
Ian: Yeah. You know how? When the big bang happened, all the atoms in the universe, they were all smashed together into one little dot that exploded outward. So my atoms and your atoms were certainly together then, and, who knows, probably smashed together several times in the last 13.7 billion years. So my atoms have known your atoms and they've always known your atoms. My atoms have always loved your atoms.
Ian: It's a false positive, you understand? It's an error. It has to be an error. It's statistically impossible. Data point.
Karen: If I drop this phone a thousand times, a million times... and one time, it does't fall... just once, it hovers in the air. That is an error that's worth looking at.
Ian: You know we could be looking forever and find nothing.
Karen: Turning over rocks and finding nothing is progress.
Ian: You live in this fairy, magical... fantasy land. It's a fucking lie, and you know it's a lie.
Ian: I'm so looking forward to brainwashing this child with you.
Karen: You know what I was thinking? What if we turn the garage into a lab? And the baby could be our first test subject.
- Sep 03 Thu 2015 15:36
《I型起源》(I Origins) - 科學下的浪漫