這部片劇情極為老梗,融合了老片「轉捩點」(The Turning Point)、「歌舞線上」(A Chorus Line)、「名揚四海」(Fame)、「閃舞」(Flashdance)、以及一些YA片精神等等,角色個性也沒什麼新意,但因為我很喜歡本片的多元舞蹈﹝包括芭蕾與百老匯舞蹈等等﹞,所以很喜歡這部片,看了很多次。更重要的是,最近大家熱烈討論的「阿凡達」女主角Zoe Saldana,也在本片演配角,雖然戲分少但表現十分搶眼,有興趣想看她真面目的朋友,千萬不要錯過唷!HBO將於2月4日下午五點播出。另外,本片中飾演Maureen的Susan May Pratt,則是「對面惡女看過來」(10 Things I Hate About You)裡女主角的好友。

劇情大略是幾個不同背景的學生進入了American Ballet Academy,Jody﹝Amanda Schull﹞老是被說腿型不好、Maureen﹝Susan May Pratt﹞很有天分但有個強勢管教的媽媽﹝Debra Monk﹞、Eva﹝Zoe Saldana﹞則態度不佳非常叛逆。ABA的編舞家Jonathan﹝Peter Gallagher﹞與舞團一位也想編舞的優秀舞者Cooper﹝Ethan Stiefel﹞有心結,除了專業領域的較勁,也因為過去曾爭風吃醋。百老匯資深女星Donna Murphy也飾演一位嚴厲的老師。

與許多類似電影不同的是,「舞國英雄譜」的主要角色是由專業舞者演出,而非靠替身剪接,例如女主角Amanda Schull是芭蕾學生,而飾演Cooper的Ethan Stiefel是美國ABT芭蕾舞團首席舞者,每當Ethan Stiefel一開始跳舞,我就完全無法移開視線,真的是太精采了!相對於「留住最後一支舞」的上下半身交替剪接,「舞國英雄譜」的舞蹈畫面順暢多了。

我最喜歡的舞蹈是電影中段,女主角偷偷跑出去學broadway dance的那段,每位舞者的身段都好棒,跳起舞來肌肉彈性十足,要不是我骨頭已經又老又硬,看了那段真的會很想學舞!

但是,一旦片中人物沒有在跳舞,就是無聊糟糕的對話時間了,例如當女主角洩氣時,另一位同學跟她說:"Whatever you feel, just dance it.";或是態度不佳的Eva後來說了句"I'm not dancing for them anymore. I'm dancing for myself.",這些對白都是老梗到極點,簡直讓人發笑。不過,除開這些可怕對話,本片還是有些讓人記憶深刻的對白,例如Maureen跟她母親說,她希望做自己喜歡的事、而不是自己恰巧擅長的事,這句話應該讓不少討厭目前工作的人心有戚戚焉。

簡而言之,「舞國英雄譜」不是什麼好電影,但對於喜歡欣賞舞蹈的朋友而言,倒是蠻精彩的,所以這部片可說是我的"guilty pleasure"吧。


Maureen Cummings: Erik got injured today. And do you know the first thing I thought when I saw him go down?
Jim Gordon: What?
Maureen Cummings: "I wish that was me." So that made me think, you know, 'cause that's not a normal reaction. How much of what you liked about me was because I was a ballet dancer, and how much because I was me?


Eva Rodriguez: What, did you go to a special bitch academy or something?


Eva: What a prick.
Jody: But he was really nice about it.
Eva: Being nice when you say something pricky is even prickier.


Maureen Cummings: I'm just trying to be honest. That's what friends do.
Eva: I guess that would explain why you have so many friends.


Maureen Cummings: If this is what I wanted, I wouldn't be as unhappy as I've been. I'd have friends, I'd sleep well, I wouldn't throw up half the things that I eat.
Nancy Cummings: You watch your weight, there's nothing wrong with that!
Maureen Cummings: Mom, I'm telling you I'm unhappy and sick. I can't do this any more!
Nancy Cummings: But it's your dream. You just don't give up on your dream.
Maureen Cummings: It's your dream, and it matters more to you than anything ever did to me. So I did it, but I can't any more.
Nancy Cummings: I know what regret feels like, and I don't want that for you.
Maureen Cummings: That's what ballet would be... a life of wishing that I found something I loved, instead of something I just happened to do well. I'm not you, Mom. You didn't have the feet. I don't have the heart.


Kathleen: You are in big trouble.
Cooper: She's in my ballet.
Kathleen: Oh please... she's a heartbeat away from tattooing your name on her ass.


Jody: That class, I mean, how come I can't dance like that in my ABA class?
Cooper: Because ABA has a great big stick up its ass?


Maureen Cummings: I've got priorities. I mean, you only get to be a dancer for ten years - maybe fifteen if you don't get injured. So for the next decade at least...
Jim Gordon: Hey, all I'm asking for is a date…


Cooper: If you're still holding onto all that personal shit...
Jonathan Reeves: I don't have to hold onto anything. I got the girl.


(Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures)

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