
本片改編自八零年代的同名影集﹝當年讓強尼戴普嶄露頭角﹞,我覺得它整體不差,但也不是什麼經典作,有些幽默搞笑的部分頗有趣,主演的Jonah Hill是我很喜歡的演員,查寧塔圖(Channing Tatum)雖然演技普通,但自從看了「舞棍俱樂部」(Magic Mike)之後就對他印象轉好﹝對不起他身材實在太好了﹞,在我看來用「龍虎少年隊」打發時間是不錯,但如果有別的正事要做,本片屬於可略過的電影。我個人認為同類型電影中,「B咖戰警」(The Other Guys)更好看。


「龍虎少年隊」的主角設定是兩個能力欠佳的警察,Schmidt﹝Jonah Hill﹞與Jenko﹝查寧塔圖﹞,因為看起來年輕,被派去高中裡面扮演學生當臥底,阻止校園毒品擴散。Jenko在高中時期成績差但很酷,Schmidt雖然頭腦好但肥胖交不到女友,兩人都沒參加畢業舞會,如今他們有第二次機會重溫高中生活,他們會如何度過呢?有辦法彌補過去的遺憾嗎?畢業多年的他們能融入現代高中生活嗎?有辦法查獲販賣毒品的首腦嗎?


這部片大致上在每一方面都是做到OK及格而已,但它最正確的決定就是讓整部片很輕鬆、很搞笑,與認真的八零年代前身電視劇不同,就如同演員兼製片Jonah Hill所形容「像是『絕地戰警』配上John Hughes的校園喜劇」,甚至,本片也利用兩位主角的黑人上司,自嘲了一番,他說21 Jump Street這個單位的存在是因為"We're reviving a canceled undercover police program from the '80s and revamping it for modern times. You see the guys in charge of this stuff lack creativity and are completely out of ideas, so all they do now is recycle shit from the past and expect us all not to notice."整個先招認沒創意的製片們沒東西拍了,只好拿80年代的電視劇來資源回收,希望觀眾不要注意到,但事實上電影版本與電視劇只有基本設定與名稱一樣,其他內容大相逕庭,電影版本的搞笑風格非常成功;還有很多電影裡的高中生看起來都太老了,但觀眾都得假裝沒看見這事實,在「龍虎少年隊」裡的兩位臥底看起來當然也太老了,而編劇也不隱瞞這事實,不斷有人問他們怎麼看起來那麼老,本片這種「自知問題所在」的態度讓人想吐槽它都吐不來,因為它都先承認了。本片最戳中我笑點之處,就是提到七年過去了,高中校園酷與不酷的定義大大改變,以往Jenko這種很陽剛、耍酷、恐同性戀的小子是風雲人物,沒想到七年過後,熱中環保或話劇社等等、敏感體貼的人反而最受歡迎,Jenko把這怪在影集「歡樂合唱團」(Glee)上,哈哈,搞不好真的有道理;還有就是七年後社交習慣也改變了,Schmidt煞到了Molly,打電話給她,Molly還覺得很奇怪,因為現在的人都是傳即時訊息,只有長輩會打電話給她。另外,查寧塔圖與Jonah Hill出乎意料非常搭配,這兩人雖然初看完全沒有任何相似處,但他們的表演令人相信Schmidt與Jenko真的是好朋友,他們的種種對比與角色互換也帶來很多笑點。




Jonah Hill雖然近期不斷與大導演合作,戲路也變得多元,不過喜劇演員起家的他,演起本片的搞笑警察當然是得心應手。比較令人驚艷的是查寧塔圖,他真的很適合演無腦帥哥,對不起,雖然我很喜歡「舞棍俱樂部」,但查寧塔圖真的有點呆呆的氣質,這種特質搭配某些角色會變得太死板,但飾演本片Jenko這角色卻是搭配得天衣無縫,反而頓時變得幽默可愛,舉手投足充滿笑點。飾演校園風雲人物的Dave Franco是詹姆斯法蘭柯(James Franco)的弟弟,所以若發現兩人長得好像也別驚訝。饒舌歌手/演員Ice Cube飾演黑人上司,搞笑的對白以及他誇張的演繹方式,令人捧腹。




Captain Dickson: You are here because you some Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus lookin' motherfuckers.


Jenko: You have the right to...

[forgets the Miranda rights]

Jenko: ... suck my dick, motherfucker!


Jenko: Let's just finger each other's mouths.


Jenko: What are you doing, trying to find my g spot? Just stick it in. GO!


Captain Dickson: Get your... motherfucking ass up when I'm talking to you! I know what ya'll thinking. Angry black Captain. It ain't nothing but a stupid stereotype. Well let me tell you something, I'm black, and I worked my ass off to become Captain, and sometimes I get angry. So suck a dick!


Deputy Chief Hardy: We're reviving a canceled undercover police program from the '80s and revamping it for modern times. You see the guys in charge of this stuff lack creativity and are completely out of ideas, so all they do now is recycle shit from the past and expect us all not to notice.


Captain Dickson: New assignment. Since you two cowboys love to drink booze, smoke weed with kids, and fuck anything with a big ass in jeans with low self-esteem, I'm gonna send you to a place where all that shit is allowed.

Jenko: Oh, I love Disneyland!

Captain Dickson: You two sons of bitches are going to college!

Schmidt: Yes!

Jenko: No!


[Schmidt makes a call to Molly]

Schmidt: Hey, is this uh...is this Molly?

Molly Tracey: Speaking.

Schmidt: Hey! It's uh...it's Schmidt.

[realizes he's used his real name and quickly tries to cover it up]

Schmidt: Schmoug...uh...it's Doug Schm...McQuade.

Molly Tracey: Oh! Hey, man! Uh...so weird that you're calling me. I pretty much text, except for when a random old relative calls.


(Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures)


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