不過看John Cage打官司還是蠻好玩的。
雖然如此,但是畢竟看"Ally McBeal"並不像看"Law & Order",看"Law & Order"的時候,心中關注的是每集案情,崇拜著那群律師的法庭英姿。
看"Ally McBeal"時,當然也會佩服法庭急智,關心案情發展,但是這不是重點。重點是,你想看Ally跟她深愛著的前男友Billy、以及前男友的老婆Georgia,天天一同工作;你想看到Ally發現,當年Billy是為了現在這個老婆Georgia 才離開她,到別處唸大學;你想看到任何一件小事情,都會勾起Ally的回憶與傷心;你想看到每晚,Ally挺著細瘦的身影,獨自提著公事包走回家。
她每集片尾獨自低頭回家的畫面,幾乎是觸動你的主因。你開始想,也許她跟你一樣,"meant to be alone"...
第四季雖然沒有了Billy,但是Robert Downey Jr.飾演的帥氣好男人,讓所有Ally迷再度燃起希望…「會不會就是他呢?」
(Ally McBeal與對方證人)
AMB: Other than taking food orders, or talking about the
weather, maybe even the Red Sox, do you remember
the first conversation you had with her that was at
all more personal?
JT: Yes. I asked her why she always seemed so sad.
AMB: How did she respond?
JT: She just smiled a little. Said she was fine.
AMB: Did you know that she had recently split up with her husband?
JT: Not at the time.
AMB: And did you interpret the sadness as.. as...loneliness?
JT: Well, umm, no. Actually it seemed a little worse.
AMB (angry): What can be worse than being alone?
(calms down) I mean, how, how did it seem worse?
JT: I saw lots of lonely people. In some restaurants by
the Cape the place would be full of them! They
always have a look...
AMB: What...What kind of look?
JT: Look that it could change any second. Maybe with the
next person who enters the room. Lonely people... they
have hope. She didn't seem to. She was just... sad. You
know, like she knew too much.
AMB: Knew too much ? What did she know?
JT: Some people find love permanent and some are just meant
to be alone. She knew what she was.